
Names are funny

Not mine, obviously. Mine is tasteful and classic. Both my real name and my Internet name are. My one main rule when it comes to baby names is this: If they can't be taken seriously as a successful cutthroat lawyer with that name, it's out. This especially applies for girls. My other rule is that I can't tell any of you vultures which names I like because you'll steal them. (Example: I have wanted to name a son Aidan since 1993. Like that's gonna happen now. Jerks.)

It was fun to see the difference in names out in England. I met darling little boys named Thomas and Henry. I met girls named Sian (pronounced "Shawn"). I met people with 2 or 3 middle names. And I found out what the Brits think of some of our names. One lady was completely thrown by the name Amber and wanted to know if that was actually really a popular name in the States. Which, oh my, yes. I must've had at least one Amber in every class growing up.

One English friend started dating an American fellow named Randy. WR could not hear his name mentioned without collapsing into giggles. I will never think of that name the same way again. Also, hope that when WR is a hotshot lawyer he has to represent someone with that name. Because that'll be awesome.

Once I mentioned how much I'd liked the name Aidan to an English friend and if I remember correctly his response was, "Why would you want to go 'round giving your children Irish names?" Because it turns out that my friend was racist. This might have been the same friend who was racist against Scottish people and called Braveheart "Scottish propaganda." If so, you know who you are.


Scully said... [reply]

Aw, I like the name Aidan too, even after hearing Sarah Jessica Parker whine it repeatedly on Sex & the City. I usually console myself that by the time I actually get around to bearing children, a whole new set of names will be popular. But then I start wallowing about my advanced age, so really not that consoling. And I will never be able to look at a Randy without giggling. Despite my raging anglophilia, I had never put that together. Hee!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Bwhahahahhaa, you said "Randy".

How could anyone suggest that Braveheart is anything less than accurate history and its director trustworthy on issues of race and history?


Anonymous said... [reply]

Sian is pronounced "sharn" and DEFINITELY NOT "shawn", which is a boy's name, usually spelt Shaun.

April said... [reply]

Sharn sounds like something you do to sheep.

I like old-fashioned names for boys. Aidan is okay, but I hate when everyone starts adding to it: Jayden, Cayden, Braden, etc. Yuck.

Jenny said... [reply]

I am definately not saying what I'm naming my next kid to the internet, cause one girl I know totally hijacked it and acts like it was an independent thought she had. Which totally bugs. I don't care if my kid has the same name as people,obviously, but at least don't lie about copying people.

Nemesis said... [reply]

Scully, I'm glad I can be a corrupting force in your life.

WR--Welcome back, my imperialist friend.

Anon, you must be British. Hi! I use "shawn" because in American-speak it sounds roughly the same as your "sharn." If I told my American friends to say "sharn" we'd all be walking around going "Hi Shaarrrrrrrrrn." And that would be gross. And the Sians of the world would roll their eyes and mutter about us.

April, you and my mom should get together. She hates all the -den names too. I try to tell her that Aidan is an actual real name not invented in the last 10 years but she's still not having any of it.

Jen, I'm sure you can get over these feelings with the help of a good therapist and possibly some drugs. My best to you. ;-)

Kristeee said... [reply]

I am firmly of the opinion that a kid should be able to find his or her name on a mug at Disneyland. And as a second fail-safe, a second-grade teacher must be able to pronounce the name on the first try. We'll see what actually happens - my husband tends to like less conventional names.

blackjazz said... [reply]

Hmmm... I think that the boys name pronounced "shawn" is normally spelt "Sean", like Sean Connery.

I like the mug at Disney idea :-)

Being able to be found in the Bible is another idea. My late father-in-law's middle name was Darius. Legend has it that his very devote RC mother opened the bible at random and picked the first boy's name she could find. e.g. Ezra 4:24.

Panini said... [reply]

Does Randy correlate to something dirty that I'm just not getting? Help me--I'm sleep deprived.

p.s. I've never heard of Aiden! I can't believe it's the most popular . . . I think it sounds (forgive me) kinda girly. Would they run around calling him AIDS BOY if he looked weird?

Anonymous said... [reply]

Bwhahahaa, you said it again!



Natalie Gordon said... [reply]

I already knew what randy meant, but that definition made me giggle and blush. I didn't even know 'ruttish' was a word.

Cicada said... [reply]

I had a married friend whose "married-friend-couple" who she and her husband spent all their time with cut off all contact when my friend mentioned that she liked the name "Emma" or something. The wife of the friend-couple wanted to use that name. The funny thing is that neither of the women was pregnant at the time, so 1) there wasn't even a race to see who could use the name first, and 2) who cares if their little girls both ended up with the same name??

Wodin said... [reply]

When I was in England, I had an "American Names" discussion with a friend of mine there. He was completely boggled and disgusted that Americans would consider naming sweet, little girls "Mc"-anything. That includes the "McKenna," "McKenzie," "McKay" or anything of that ilk. I personally agree that those names are Not Right. Ugh. Apologies to anyone with a "Mc" name.

Oh, and ever since I studied abroad in England, I cannot ever look at anyone with the name "Randy" in the same way. Randy! Hee!

Snow Whiteley said... [reply]

My cousin named her daughter the name I wanted to give my little girl if I had one--Veronica Anne. My mom is named Veronica and my grandma (her mom) was named Anne and my mom was only related to my cousin by marriage. She must have just liked the names. At this point I'm not even married, so it doesn't matter much, but at the time I was a bit put out.

goddessdivine said... [reply]

It's interesting how we all have different tastes. I have a nephew named Cayden and I think it's cute. I also have a good friend named McKinzie and I like it (We call her Kinzie). I don't care for half of the names on that so-called most popular names list.

I like Kristeee's idea: don't name your kid so weird that his name can't be found on a mug or a keychain.

Lippy said... [reply]

We managed to luck out in the names department, as the ones we chose apparently weren't too popular (still don't seem to be). The girls aren't too happy, because they can't usually buy those things (personalized pencils, bike license plates) that other kids can. My son does ok...his name is Thomas.

Keep those names to yourself! :)

ambrosia ananas said... [reply]

April: In defense of "Braden," it seems to be a legit name in its own right from the British isles, meaning either "from the broad valley" or "son of Bradan," not so much a . . . creative take on Aidan. I have a Braden here with me who is taking all this rather personally. : )

Miss Nem: Yeah, my favorite for years has been Grace. Guess what's ranking in the top twenty for girls now? I'm so mad.

And my mom learned that one the hard way, too. She had a friend who was pregnant the same time she was, only a few months ahead, and she made the mistake of telling her what she was planning to name our baby.

Nemesis said... [reply]

Kristee, I think your rule is good. Not that I'll let my kids get keychains at Disneyland because I plan to be a cheap, mean parent.

Blackjazz, I'm with you on the preferred spelling of "Sean" for the boy's name. I did once date a guy who spelled it "Shawn." It was probably the poorly-spelled name that doomed us.

Panini, look what you started! WR, thanks for that. It's not like my mom reads this site or anything . . .

Seriously, Natalie. Now must find ways to use "ruttish" in everyday conversation.

See, it's stories like this one, Cicada, that make me think that people have gone insane. Also when you hear about family feuds when people want to give cousins the same middle name. I mean, come on! It's a middle name! Who even cares?

Wodin, I'm with you on the Mc-Names for girls. I've never found them appealing either, especially since there are So Very Many little girls named that now. (Note: I fully support my friends who choose McNames and will buy their babies presents regardless.)

Divine Miss, you can totally still use Veronica, I say.

Kristen, when I was about 12 the lady I babysat for named her son "Hayden." I thought that was the weirdest thing ever. Of course now that name (and others like it) are insanely popular. So yes, it's funny how the trends come and go.

Oh, I will, Jimmy. :-) Are the names you chose for your girls unusual because they're not currently popular (older names, perhaps) or did you make them up or choose a different spelling?

Anonymous said... [reply]

Seeing as Mac or Mc in front of a name comes from the Scottish, Irish or Gaelic and literally means "son of", it seems an incredibly strange idea to go calling little girls anything of the kind.

Sarita said... [reply]

My mother swears up and down that when I was born, Sarah was a very little used named and she thought herself oldfashionedly original. Apparently everyone else did the same thing about that time. They really should have gone with my sisters recommendation and named me Horsey. At least then they would be able to find me at the pharmacy.

And its sad that I cant hear a Mc name now without thinking that its a new menu item at McDonalds.

April said... [reply]

Ambrosia, please accept my apologies to your Braden, and thank you for the info. However, if one more unwed, teenage girl in my town names their kid Jayden, I'm going to... Well, not much I can do. But I'll be annoyed.

Jamie said... [reply]

Every time I hear your name I'm reminded of the show "Full House".

Carina said... [reply]

Oh what a nerve you've touched.

I have a whole long list of name requirements, including but not limited to:

1. Nothing in the top ten, NO MATTER WHAT, even the top twenty is suspect. There is no reason to repeat the naming debacles of the 1970s and 80s. We have the Internet, use it or condemn your child to be Caitlin B. for the remainder of her life.

2. No naming girls after dead presidents (Kennedy, McKinley, Madison, etc.)

3. Mc-names, as anonymous said, mean 'son-of' and I can't stand them. If I have a girl I'm not going to pretend she's a boy.

There are more, but I've probably offended enough people by now.

Nemesis said... [reply]

Hey. You didn't offend me, and that's what really matters, Azucar. :-)

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