Only in Alaska
I'm back safe from DC, but I have to run to work so will write a more detailed report (w/pictures) later. For now, here's an entry from the cookbook my mom just mailed me. It's the stake cookbook. (Translation: we call a congregation a "ward," and several wards make up a "stake.")
The title of the book is "A Taste of Heaven: a collection of recipes from Anchorage, Alaska." I think though for this to be true then your idea of heaven must consist of beef, salmon, and fat. Which, for many Alaskans, it does. Here is my hands-down favorite entry.
Canning Moose
Clean gristle and hair off moose after butchering. Cut into bite-size pieces. Place 1/2 tsp salt into bottom of sterile pint jar. Pack into jar within 1 inch of top. Process according to canner directions. Only in Alaska! This process makes the moose real tender and makes wonderful stews.
And I think that's really all there is to be said. Also?
The seafood section (which is huge) is made up entirely of salmon and halibut recipes, with a few shrimp ones tossed in for good measure.
The book is 270 pages. There are 6 vegetable recipes.
My mom contributed a few of our family's favorites, and my sister Jenny included a recipe of Jamie Oliver's that she uses. When you find the recipe in the cookbook the submitter is listed as "Jamie Oliver." So I bet now there are all these people out there going "Hmmm, that Sister Oliver sure can cook! I wonder what ward she's in?"
I've always been glad that I've never had to clean gristle and hairs off of my food before eating it. I'm perfectly fine with buying it in the clean packages in the store.
I bet there's going to be a rumor started that Jamie Oliver's a Mormon now. Good job, Jenny!
Just wondering, how often do people actually eat moose? Is it a regular meat source up in Alaska? The fact that people can it makes me think yes, but I am sure you know the truth.
Lady Steed, I think the people who eat moose are the ones who go moose-hunting (or have friends who do.) Since my family doesn't, it's not something we really have in our freezer. There are a couple of Alaskan restaurants that serve it, though.
Lady Steed...Yes, moose is practically a diet staple for many Alaskans. Moose, salmon, and halibut people stock up on in the summer and fall, eat it all though the winter/spring and start all over again. Also, because of the number of moose that are killed by cars, there is a road kill program where the troopers will notify interested parties of a road kill and a group will come out and butcher the moose on the side of the road and either donate the meat to a shelter or divide it up amongst themselves.
It's a good thing I don't live in Alaska; I would starve (or freeze to death).
cooldad--that is sick.... freaking awesome, but sick. I can just see it now: "Honey, a moose was just killed up the road; some of the guys and I are going to go butcher it up and split it. We're having moose tonight baby!"
Kristen must know some of our ward members. That's exactly what they do. If cool dad was really cool he would get on the list. Let me just say that there are sisters who do this as well. Some of them have never even eaten meat from a grocery store. YOu can also process bear, caribou, sheep, goat, basically anything on four legs. Although we had a moose in Seward who had lost one of his feet so he was on three legs.
Wow. Thank you for answering my question. I now feel quite confident that I will never have a desire to live in Alaska, unlike most of my in-laws.
Even though I can never see myself running out to get dibs on a road kill moose, I am glad that people are making use of an accidentally killed animal--even if I think it's kind of weird.
The cookbook actually screwed up most of my recipes. Like the bruschetta, it's Brochette in this cookbook. It sits on my shelf next to the 'Mormon Casserole Cookbook' from the 60s that my grandmother (in law) found at a garage sale.
I had to endure a stew made from moose meat some years ago, and the thought of canned moose just isn't doing it for me at the moment. They should come up with a better name, you know, cows give us beef or veal, pigs give us pork, right now moose gives me agita.
LOL, only in Alaska.
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