I know lots of things, actually
Another warm day in the library. My big clue was when a guy came in wearing shortshorts and a mesh muscle shirt. I think the armpit holes had been enlarged even more, so it was pretty much like he was wearing one of those mesh pinnies with the flags that you wear during 4th-grade PE. (Remember that game where you try to run across the field without getting your flags torn off or your teeth elbowed out? Good times.)
But I digress.
I have decided that there probably needs to be a patron dress code for the library. I would settle for a simple sign that reads, "Unless you're feeding a baby with it, I shouldn't be able to see your nipple. Thank you."
Because that's what was right in my line of sight the entire time I was helping this gentleman. He was trying to track down what turned out to be an out-of-print cd by Wings.
Him: Are you sure you can't find it? It's by Wings. That's Paul McCartney's band. Do you know who Paul McCartney is? Or the Beatles?
Me: Dude, I know enough to keep my boobs covered in public, so yeah, I know who the Beatles are.
Except that last part was maybe my head.
Also, we have tickets to see Paul McCartney when he comes to Salt Lake City in July (not that we know who he is or anything). Please pray that Sir Paul doesn't die or get maimed or snagged by a(nother) gold-digger or any other bad thing before the concert, because if something were to go wrong then I'm pretty sure GH would never recover and I'd just be married to a broken shell of a person who will then be useless as a birthing partner.
You can see how straight my priorities are here.