
Baby Bear knits and also items for sport

Have been doing a bit of knitting for the two nephews I have coming. Both my brothers and their wives are expecting boys--one in August and one in September. I found a cute newborn bear hat pattern and decided that these Alaska babies need this in their lives.
This one is for the Alaska baby who will live in Utah. It's a washable blend and turned out super tiny. I warned Coolboy and Aubrey that they might need to stick it on him as soon as possible--perhaps while he is crowning--if they want to get any use out of it.

Baby Bear Hat (free download)
 Check out how tiny it is on this 3-month-old:

A sweet nephew on GH's side

 I just enough yarn left over to make these to go along with the hat:

Baby Mitts by Susan B. Anderson

I knit this next one in some leftover Patons Classic Wool and made it a larger 3-6ish month size, as it's going to the baby who does live in Alaska and will probably need hats year-round.

Baby Bear Hat by Gilda Knits (free on Ravelry)
The stars aligned enough for me to get to see my former domestic partner, even Amyjane, during her recent family vacation to Utah. And of course the first words out of my mouth were, "I need to put a hat on your baby and take a picture." Baby Jensen was a delightful model, even if he's too big for the hat.

I want to eat his arms and legs so much

Baby knits really are the best. They are so fast to make and the recipients lack the coordination or language skills to refuse them or yank them off. Win win! Cannot wait to see the two little heirs in them.

I also finally finished a project I'd promised a friend. You may not be able to tell from the way my assistant is modeling them, but they are golf club covers in University of Miami colors. Go Cranes Canes! (For that is what Internet tells me I should say.)

Golf Cover Clubs with Initials by Lion Brand Yarns (free pattern)

And now it's time to knit a few things for moi. Here's what I have in mind:

Spring Beret (free pattern) by Natalie Larson.
Image by Ravelry user chikka.
And this:

$5 in Paris (free pattern) by Anna Maliszewski.
Image by Ravelry user Caudagali


Rachael said... [reply]

Look at you with all those lovely knits! I just started knitting an elephant toy (http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/elijah) because why not start a fiddly pattern with a new fussy cast-on right before my baby has ear tube surgery and I have a big important meeting at work. Needless to say, I have some ripping back to do.

Nemesis said... [reply]

Rachael, I made an Elijah too! And yeah. Fiddly is a nice word for it, even though I was so happy with the result (when I finally picked it back up again and finished it, like 3 years later).

j said... [reply]

Canes (Hurricanes) not Cranes!

Nemesis said... [reply]

Gah! CANES! That is what I meant to write, I promise.

DCAja said... [reply]


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