
Time for a road trip

Monday is our two-year wedding anniversary. It's also the last anniversary for a while that will not involve child-care arrangements of one kind or another. (And yes, I'm pretty sure tossing a pizza and an iPod inside a crib while we sneak out the door could constitute child-care. If GH were the toddler in question he'd be happy as a clam, I tell you.)

So we're going to have ourselves a little getaway. All summer I have been excited for this. GH got Paul McCartney, which made his year and/or possibly life, so I get . . . drumroll . . . the Utah Shakespearean Festival. (Note: this is another example of that win-win thing of which I am so fond--the kind where other people win once and I win twice.)

We're going to see two plays: Much Ado about Nothing in the Adams outdoor theatre, and The 39 Steps in the indoor one. I think I chose well, as I've been hearing great things about both productions so far. The 39 Steps sounds especially fun because it's 4 actors (half of whom are Brian Vaughn and David Ivers, aw yeah) playing the entire cast. I love me some of that stuff. It makes me remember all over again how awesome Stones in His Pockets was that one time.

I've booked us a room at a bed & breakfast in Cedar City and am already fantasizing about the "full gourmet breakfast" we'll get in the morning.

(Note again: lately my interest in food has become even more pronounced, kind of like my belly. I dream of baked goods every night and report on it to GH: "Last night it was muffins. And then there was a dessert buffet. It was incredible." And the other night in my dream my sister Jenny was in the middle of making me bruschetta with grilled bread and garden-ripe tomatoes and slivers of fresh parmesan, like the stuff Amy Adams makes at the beginning of Julie & Julia, that one food porn movie. I remembered the dream suddenly around lunchtime the next day and was so devastated that there was, in fact, no bruschetta that I almost started crying.)

Anyway, Cedar City. It's going to be great. I've had so much fun going to this festival in past years that I'm really excited to introduce GH to it. Possibly I will pick up some tights for him while we're there. We'll see.


Anonymous said... [reply]

Brian! David! LOVE!!
Have a ball in my old stomping grounds, darling!

AmandaStretch said... [reply]

I got to see The 39 Steps on Broadway last year. It's great fun! Enjoy!

Elsha said... [reply]

I love the Shakespearean Festival! Have fun!

Desmama said... [reply]

I'm so excited for you. It's a goal of mine to make it down there some year.

Science Teacher Mommy said... [reply]

Our "LAST" trip was backpacking in the Ozarks and hiking an obscure trail in Louisiana.

No, it was not our last trip, not even together. However, I think our memories from that week are so profound because our lives and our collection of worries really did change so dramatically just a few months later. Enjoy every moment.

Holly said... [reply]

I've got tickets for later this month and am looking forward to it!

emandtrev said... [reply]

That sounds fantastic! Have a wonderful time--fantastic productions, fun, and all.

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